Fresh and New

Tupelo, MS has always been a part of my life.  I grew up 30 miles from there.  We “went out to eat” there.  We shopped there.  I lived there and I’m truly blessed that currently my business and personal life include some wonderful clients/friends that live there.  Yesterday, I drove to the All-American City to…

Supper Club

The gathering in the picture above lead to our first official Supper Club meeting last evening.  First, we’re a group of friends.  Second, we are all of like mind with regards to food and wine.  Third, some of us really enjoy cooking and those that don’t are really good at cleanup…how perfect is that. The…

Sunday Brunch

Sunday is a wonderful day of the week. To claim it as a real day of rest offers the opportunity to relax and enjoy personal time or gather with friends and family. Therefore, it often arbitrarily becomes a day for memorable meals.  I’m not a breakfast fan.  However, Brandt loves breakfast…7/365…he doesn’t really get going…

The Pantry

I was searching for another diversion from our no child blues and a Valentine Dinner in a lovely restaurant seemed fitting.  However, having recently returned from New York (I still haven’t shown you everything) the Memphis options didn’t seem fitting at all. I gave it some thought and begin to realize I had some “pantry”…

Sunday Supper

We’ve been a bit…well, a lot blah over the loss of our four-footed child.  Honestly, it’s been difficult to get out of bed. However, a friend called and wanted to do Sunday Supper.  I found this a way to shift my focus, prepare a good meal and we even celebrated the Lunar New Year, a…

Lighting is Everything!!!

Whether you’re thinking task lighting or ambient lighting…in my opinion lighting in general is what makes a room complete. The one thing that should always be a consideration when building or remodeling is the lighting plan and DIMMERS.  There’s nothing worse than being in a room and in the words of Sheila from “A Chorus…