
Tim Pierce, is owner of Signature Designs, Inc. in Memphis, TN.  His primary business is interior design.  However, his love for good food, pretty cocktails and all things beautiful finds him poking flowers and in the kitchen as well as selecting furniture and fabrics. His “real job” focuses on full-scale interior design for residential and executive spaces. Additionally, he offers catering and decoration for small-scale events as well as production design for large-scale events.

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  1. Tim, love the blog. How will I know when you update it? Hope to see you and Brandt on St. Croix one of these days. Tomorrow is our Three Kings Day Carnival Adult Parade. It’s wild. — pk

  2. Hi, my name is Ronnie Highland. I graduated in Holly Springs, in 1995. I guess about 15 years ago, I bought a whole box of records from my cousin. In the box were so many great artists, too many to name. The best part is that there is a signed copy of “A Chorus Line.” Signed by Brandt Edwards. I have searched several times and so glad, I found out that he is alive, but also from Mississippi, just like me. The records were apparently owned by “Kathy”, and the inscription is made out to her. I cherish the album, but would be willing to donate it back to you. I have cancer and hate to think what might happen to it, one day. I guess I need to get a record player and listen to it, first. Thanks so much for being cool enough to move to NYC and do your thing man! Ronnie

    1. Tim Pierce says:

      Ronnie, at the top of this page it says the comment was made January 2, 2013 but under your name in the text it says it was nine days ago. Nevertheless, I just received the notice. My husband Brandt Edwards of ACL fame is James R. Edwards, Jr. of Byhalia. His family and people in Byhalia still call him Jimmy. We have been together 23 years and married for 5. After Helen and James Edwards left us we built a “farm house” on the family farm. We also have a loft in the South Main Art District, Memphis that I use as my Interior Design business address. When I met Brandt in 1997 he told me about his Broadway career. I actually didn’t believe him until I got home and found my ACL album and there his name was on the back of the album. Since then we’ve been to opening night of the revival and several reunions. He isn’t on FB so I get all the Original Cast correspondence. He is a Broadway legend having been in the Original Cast of ACL in NY and London and being in the Original Cast of 42nd Street staying for the entire eight year run. I’ll tell him about the album but if you’d like feel free to reach out to him at tobytobe15@icloud.com. BTW, I clicked your name in the post and it brought up your bio at Greenup FUMC. My hometown is Booneville and of course I went to Northeast. We are much older than you…small world; nevertheless.

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